Tips To Make Your WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

WordPress is already known for being very SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. Back in the good old days, you could optimize some of their templates up to 90% SEO’ed. This means that 90% of the potential on-page SEO factors that could be presentwere present. Nowadays this is possible if you download and install the correct plugins. Filling out your SEO and adding SEO elements is all part of creating a search engine friendly bloghere are a few tips to help you. Ad Manager helps you with detailed targeting and reporting, monetizing multiple platforms, as well as increasing ad revenue.

1. Find an SEO plugin

There are quite a few of them out there, so you are going to have to read a few reviews before you get started. They are not good because they are an all out solution. They are good because they make filling out your SEO more convenient.

The fact is that it is dull and boring when you have to fill out the SEO on all of your pages. It is boring checking on every anchor to see if it has the right keywords, or putting your subtitle in a H1 tab. It is dull and boring but an SEO plugin can make it more automated and may even remind you of a few things.


Image Source: Pixabay

2. Find an SEO friendly template

The bare bones WordPress content management system is not particularly un-search-engine friendly, but the templates you can use may make your job a lot easier. The trick is to find a template that is able to be SEO’ed up to a very high degree. Find ones that have done most of the work for you, so that things such as the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest widgets are already in there.

Find one with the Meta tags already in place and one that has a slot for the title so that it is automatically put into title tags. Find one that allows you to enter optimized images and that already has the website coded for a tagged-keywords cloud.

3. Fully fill out your on-page SEO

It is boring looking up keywords and putting them in and it is boring adding all of the technical stuff, but it needs to be done.

4. Sign up with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools

This will help you in a number of ways. For a starter the whole system is free to use, which is amazing when you consider how much software is being put at your fingertips. Sign up with Google Analytics so that you can see where you are going right and wrong. It will often give you tips on how you are doing with your SEO, and will give you warnings too such as “unnatural links” and such.

The Google Webmaster Tools are here to help you make your WordPress blog more search engine friendly, so explore the tools it gives you. You can even try using the keyword tool on Google AdWords so that you have some better keywords to add into your tagged keyword cloud.

5. Get a tagged keyword cloud

This is not any more SEO friendly than a tagged keyword section (which you should have anyway). It is just better looking with no negative sides to it whatsoever. However, Google is going to start judging websites on looks one of these days, and when it does your tagged keyword cloud is going to help you because it looks groovy.

6. Insert a H1 tag on your subtitle

Some people are unsure what to do with their H tags, and it is a little more confusing since WordPress does use them slightly differently than with other blogs and other websites. So, to avoid any confusion you should create a subtitle for every blog post that you write. In that subtitle you should have at least one of your most powerful keywords from your blog post. It should be reasonably descriptive as if it is an alternate version of your blog post title. Put this subtitle in a H1 tag and make that your only H1 tag. This will avoid any problems with confusion and makes for a good SEO technique.

7. Put author Bios in H4 tags

Again, it is hard to know what to do with tags, so here is what you do with your H4 tag. You put your author bio in it if you have one at the bottom of your post. This is often the case if you are a guest poster or have a guest poster. If you do, then make sure the author bio is at the bottom and that all of it is within H4 tags. If you do not have an author bio at the bottom, then put your reference section/bibliography in H4 tags (if you have that).
